For the last 18 years our fearless leader has orchestrated a bike odyssey of a double century ride on a dedicated route from Fairfield, to turn around near Bushnell, Illinois and return to Fairfield. Supportive riders join in at Denmark for The Middle One Hundred miles, to escort the core group through Ft. Madison, Dallas City, La Harpe and Good Hope. The ride begins at 3:00am and sometimes does not end until midnight that day. Truly, not a ride for everyone.
Rather a spiritual journey possibly only comparable to a ritualistic native American peyote ceremony.
Reported this year;
"Despite a demoralizing headwind, a t-storm, incessant showers, a torrential downpour in Dallas City, a near capitulation right then and there, flat tires, slow leaks and the usual will-sucking power of the double century itself, the sole proprietor of Feist Bikes and myself finished in the midnight hour w/ flair, style, panache and a bellyful of Clif Blocks.None of this would have been possible for Jeff and I without the steely resolve of Gordon Shackleford and his superb stoker, Jenny Ravey, who pulled us back into the game and took the heart out of the middle century. Thanks to the 'terrible two on the Trek T2000 tandem."
Mark A. Smith
"p.s. Jeff claimed this was the best ride ever, but he always says that. Hyperbole aside, the man looked strong, felt strong, smelled strong...great job, Jeff!"
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